Human capital is an essential part of our organizational environment. For this reason, Illice Brands Group strives to promote and develop specific plans that adapt to the needs of our employees.

We do this to ensure that the organizational operation of the company functions at optimal standards to generate a proactive and dynamic environment in all departments.

Another aspect of vital importance is the careful attention we place on the safety and health of everyone in the company. This includes presentations and training courses given to offer professional support and development.

Illice Brands Group is aware that the future of the company and the international prestige its projects have earned are a result of the work and commitment of its team. For this reason, Illice Brands Group analyzes the abilities of each employee to develop yearly training programs that are individualized and that are framed within the company’s organization strategy. This training plan covers all the subjects and departments within the organization, resulting in a team of highly qualified professionals who are committed to the company’s culture. We offer these courses both in-person and online for the convenience of our employees.

Illice Brands Group is committed to sustainable growth based on respect for human rights, not only within the organization but also outside the organization and throughout its value chain and within its sphere of influence.